As one of our initiatives towards improving diversity, equity, and inclusion, Pipeworks Studios will share its company demographic statistics annually in hopes of raising awareness about the limited diversity within the tech and gaming industries. With time, we hope this will also show our year over year successes toward becoming a more diverse and inclusive company. We are not the first to take this step and hope this will encourage other gaming companies to examine their position in an industry in which women, people of color, and other identities historically have been underprivileged underrepresented.
Below are the results of our 2020 demographic survey. Pipeworks provided an option for employees who did not want to participate or did not feel comfortable disclosing their identities, which has been recorded as “Prefer not to answer.” We had about 23% of our employee base that did not wish to participate in the survey. We hope that as we continue these surveys annually, our employees will feel more comfortable and inclined to participate.

Men outnumber women at Pipeworks, while non-binary employees make up a small sliver of the team. The proportion of women in management roles generally fits the ratio of the rest of the studio, but women are vastly underrepresented within engineering.
Men outnumber women at Pipeworks, while non-binary employees make up a small sliver of the team. The proportion of women in management roles generally fits the ratio of the rest of the studio, but women are vastly underrepresented within engineering.

The majority of our team identifies as white with multiracial employees as the next largest group. This is similar to the demographic makeup with Eugene, OR. Hispanic or Latino/a and Asian employees make up around 5% of our studio, while other races and ethnicities including Black and Alaskan Natives/American Indians make up about 2%. We did not have any employees identify as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
The majority of our team identifies as white with multiracial employees as the next largest group. This is similar to the demographic makeup with Eugene, OR. Hispanic or Latino/a and Asian employees make up around 5% of our studio, while other races and ethnicities including Black and Alaskan Natives/American Indians make up about 2%. We did not have any employees identify as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.

Those who answered largely identify as straight. Non-straight sexualities including gay, lesbian, bisexual, and asexual results have been aggregated to protect respondent anonymity. We received a higher amount of “Prefer not to answer” for this question than others, which could indicate less comfort in answering questions around sexuality and orientation.
Those who answered largely identify as straight. Non-straight sexualities including gay, lesbian, bisexual, and asexual results have been aggregated to protect respondent anonymity. We received a higher amount of “Prefer not to answer” for this question than others, which could indicate less comfort in answering questions around sexuality and orientation.

Agnostic and Atheist make up almost 50% of those who answered. Catholic, Mormon, and Christian denominations make up a similar amount of the studio population as those with multiple religious belongings or belonging to a religion not listed. Only a small sliver of our studio identified as Jewish. We did not have any employees identify as Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist, though those beliefs may be represented under “Multiple Religious Belongings.” This question also had a high number of participants who did not wish to answer.
Agnostic and Atheist make up almost 50% of those who answered. Catholic, Mormon, and Christian denominations make up a similar amount of the studio population as those with multiple religious belongings or belonging to a religion not listed. Only a small sliver of our studio identified as Jewish. We did not have any employees identify as Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist, though those beliefs may be represented under “Multiple Religious Belongings.” This question also had a high number of participants who did not wish to answer.

Disability status is another area with a high percentage of employees that did not wish to disclose. A majority of those who responded indicated they have no disability or difficulty. Those with sensory impairments, learning difficulties, mental health diagnoses, multiple, or other disabilities not listed make up just under 20% of those that responded.
Disability status is another area with a high percentage of employees that did not wish to disclose. A majority of those who responded indicated they have no disability or difficulty. Those with sensory impairments, learning difficulties, mental health diagnoses, multiple, or other disabilities not listed make up just under 20% of those that responded.

Around a quarter of Pipeworks employees are caretakers. Next year, we will plan to ask questions to specify if employees are caretakers of children, or other dependents such as other family or elderly parents. This information will help us better meet the needs of those are in this position.
Around a quarter of Pipeworks employees are caretakers. Next year, we will plan to ask questions to specify if employees are caretakers of children, or other dependents such as other family or elderly parents. This information will help us better meet the needs of those are in this position.

Lastly, we have a small veteran population on our team.
Lastly, we have a small veteran population on our team.
2022 2021 2020

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