We are not the first to take this step and are encouraged by the other companies that embrace a similar transparency in hopes this will encourage other gaming and tech companies to examine their own positions in an industry in which women, people of color, and other marginalized identities have been historically underrepresented.

Three years running we have conducted our annual demographic surveys completely anonymously in hopes that employees would feel comfortable providing the most accurate information. Each question on the demographic survey has “Prefer not to disclose” as a possible answer choice. The survey was distributed to a total of 201 employees and we received 191 responses at its conclusion. Those who did not respond are represented under “non-responsive” in the following data.
To protect the anonymity of employees further, answer choices that received less than three responses have been combined with other answers. Percentages are rounded to the nearest tenth.
We have seen participation for our Demographic Surveys improve year over year. We consider increased participation a huge win, as it’s an indication of increasing acceptance of our DE&I actions and trust in Pipeworks’ intentions to create meaningful changes with the data collected.
The “Gender” and “Race and Ethnicity” categories have been further broken down to compare overall studio demographics to the specific demographic makeups of the Engineering Department, Studio Leadership, and Studio Management. We chose to separate out these groups to show the demographic breakdown for departments that often have underrepresentation of marginalized groups. For these purposes, the Engineering Department consists of any respondents within the Engineering discipline; Studio Leadership refers to employees at our director level; and Management refers to any employees who directly oversee other employees.

Men continue to make up a majority of the employee population at Pipeworks; however, women, non-binary, and gender-queer employee presence has continued to increase year over year. Pipeworks has more than doubled our representation of female employees since we began this process, increasing from just 9% of the whole studio in 2020 to 18.4% in 2022. All combined non-male identities within the whole studio have also seen an increase from 19.5% in 2021 to 22.9% in 2022.
Recruitment in 2022 has become more gender-diverse, with 35% of our hires this year identifying as women or non-binary, compared to 26% in 2021 and 17% in both 2020 and 2019. Men make up a large majority of the Engineering Department at Pipeworks and a larger percentage when compared to the whole studio. The presence of women and non-binary engineers increased in parallel to studio numbers, doubling from 5% in 2020 to 10.5% in 2022.
Men continue to make up a majority of the employee population at Pipeworks; however, women, non-binary, and gender-queer employee presence has continued to increase year over year. Pipeworks has more than doubled our representation of female employees since we began this process, increasing from just 9% of the whole studio in 2020 to 18.4% in 2022. All combined non-male identities within the whole studio have also seen an increase from 19.5% in 2021 to 22.9% in 2022.
Recruitment in 2022 has become more gender-diverse, with 35% of our hires this year identifying as women or non-binary, compared to 26% in 2021 and 17% in both 2020 and 2019. Men make up a large majority of the Engineering Department at Pipeworks and a larger percentage when compared to the whole studio. The presence of women and non-binary engineers increased in parallel to studio numbers, doubling from 5% in 2020 to 10.5% in 2022.

A majority of our employees self-identified as White, with Multiracial and Asian or Southeast Asian as the next largest groups represented studio wide. Pipeworks Studios is headquartered in Eugene, OR, where 77% of the local population is white. Over the last several years, we have been able to expand our recruitment to areas outside of Oregon and offer more remote working opportunities. This practice has allowed our candidate pool to grow more diverse in all areas, including race and ethnicity.
Since 2021, we have seen slight increases in representation for those who self-identified as Hispanic or Latino/a, Black or African American, and American Indian or Alaska Native. We also saw an increase in White identities, which is likely a result of having more participation and less non-responders than in previous years. Similar to last year, we had enough answers for most categories to keep identities separated. The only exception is for Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, which has been combined with our Multiracial category. The Engineering Department is less diverse in race and ethnicity than the whole studio, with a large majority identifying as white, while Management and Leadership share a similar profile compared to the whole studio.
A majority of our employees self-identified as White, with Multiracial and Asian or Southeast Asian as the next largest groups represented studio wide. Pipeworks Studios is headquartered in Eugene, OR, where 77% of the local population is white. Over the last several years, we have been able to expand our recruitment to areas outside of Oregon and offer more remote working opportunities. This practice has allowed our candidate pool to grow more diverse in all areas, including race and ethnicity.
Since 2021, we have seen slight increases in representation for those who self-identified as Hispanic or Latino/a, Black or African American, and American Indian or Alaska Native. We also saw an increase in White identities, which is likely a result of having more participation and less non-responders than in previous years. Similar to last year, we had enough answers for most categories to keep identities separated. The only exception is for Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, which has been combined with our Multiracial category. The Engineering Department is less diverse in race and ethnicity than the whole studio, with a large majority identifying as white, while Management and Leadership share a similar profile compared to the whole studio.

The game industry skews younger than most other industries. At Pipeworks Studios, the largest percentage of employees fall into the 25-34 year old category. There are some fluctuations in representation in each age category, with the largest year-over-year change being an increase from 4% to 9.5% for employees aged 55+. We combined the answer choices of 55-64 and 65+ due to low responses in the latter category.
The game industry skews younger than most other industries. At Pipeworks Studios, the largest percentage of employees fall into the 25-34 year old category. There are some fluctuations in representation in each age category, with the largest year-over-year change being an increase from 4% to 9.5% for employees aged 55+. We combined the answer choices of 55-64 and 65+ due to low responses in the latter category.

A majority of the whole studio responded as heterosexual. We have seen an increase in heterosexual responses that may be caused by greater participation compared to 2021. Last year, we were mostly able to separate out all chosen answers, but had to combine Gay/Lesbian with Pansexual due to low responses for each of those choices. This year, we increased representation in both of those areas, increasing from 1.8% of the whole studio to 5% combined, with 2% and 3% for Gay/Lesbian and Pansexual, respectively. Respondents that identify as Queer increased slightly from 2021, while Asexual, Bisexual, and those questioning or unsure had a slight decrease in representation.
A majority of the whole studio responded as heterosexual. We have seen an increase in heterosexual responses that may be caused by greater participation compared to 2021. Last year, we were mostly able to separate out all chosen answers, but had to combine Gay/Lesbian with Pansexual due to low responses for each of those choices. This year, we increased representation in both of those areas, increasing from 1.8% of the whole studio to 5% combined, with 2% and 3% for Gay/Lesbian and Pansexual, respectively. Respondents that identify as Queer increased slightly from 2021, while Asexual, Bisexual, and those questioning or unsure had a slight decrease in representation.

Non-religious employees make up over 60% of our respondents, showing a slight increase from 2021. Most other religious affiliations, including Buddhist, Christian, and Multiple saw increases this year, as well. We did not have enough responses to count Jewish and Hindu individually, so these answer choices have been combined under “Other religious affiliation.”
Non-religious employees make up over 60% of our respondents, showing a slight increase from 2021. Most other religious affiliations, including Buddhist, Christian, and Multiple saw increases this year, as well. We did not have enough responses to count Jewish and Hindu individually, so these answer choices have been combined under “Other religious affiliation.”

A majority of respondents indicated that they have no disability or difficulty; however, we did see a 4% drop in this category compared to last year’s answers. Answers for “mental health diagnosis” and “specific learning disabilities” increased slightly, while “other developmental disabilities,” which includes ADHD, dyspraxia, and those on the Autism spectrum, along with responses for “multiple disabilities” both increased significantly from 2021. Similar to the past two years, disability status continues to have one of the highest rates of respondents that prefer not to disclose.
A majority of respondents indicated that they have no disability or difficulty; however, we did see a 4% drop in this category compared to last year’s answers. Answers for “mental health diagnosis” and “specific learning disabilities” increased slightly, while “other developmental disabilities,” which includes ADHD, dyspraxia, and those on the Autism spectrum, along with responses for “multiple disabilities” both increased significantly from 2021. Similar to the past two years, disability status continues to have one of the highest rates of respondents that prefer not to disclose.

Due to improved capabilities of our surveying software, respondents were able to select multiple answer choices this year. In the above graph, those who selected multiple answer choices are reflected under “multiple disabilities or impairments.” Below is the breakdown for each individual answer. These numbers equal more than 100% due to some people selecting multiple answers.
Due to improved capabilities of our surveying software, respondents were able to select multiple answer choices this year. In the above graph, those who selected multiple answer choices are reflected under “multiple disabilities or impairments.” Below is the breakdown for each individual answer. These numbers equal more than 100% due to some people selecting multiple answers.

A majority of employees in the whole studio are not primary caretakers of children, family, or partners, though a sizable percentage do have caretaking responsibilities.
A majority of employees in the whole studio are not primary caretakers of children, family, or partners, though a sizable percentage do have caretaking responsibilities.

Pipeworks has a Veteran population of 7%. This reflects the US average of about 6.4%, according to 2021 Census data.
Pipeworks has a Veteran population of 7%. This reflects the US average of about 6.4%, according to 2021 Census data.
2022 2021 2020

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