For our second year of the survey, we assured full anonymity of survey responses, as well as offered more training and education around the purpose of collecting this information and increasing diversity and inclusion within the studio. These changes resulted in a 10% drop in employees who did not want to participate or disclose their identities and has given us a more accurate picture of our studio’s demographic makeup.
Below, you can find the results from our second annual demographic survey, as well as some comparisons to the year prior. To protect anonymity, any answer choice with less than 1.7% has been combined with other answer choices and noted.

Men outnumber women at Pipeworks, while non-binary employees make up a small percentage of our team. In 2020, our studio ended with less than 10% of the employee population identifying as female. This year, we saw women representation studio-wide increase to 16%, which is an approximate 55% increase. Recruitment in 2021 was also more gender-diverse, with 26% of hires identifying as women, compared to 17% in both 2019 and 2020.
Globally, the gaming industry continues to be male led, with 61% of game developers identifying as male according to data from the International Game Developers Association. National demographics of game developers is more difficult to locate, but data collected by Zippia reports U.S. game developers identifying as 78% male and 14% female.
Men outnumber women at Pipeworks, while non-binary employees make up a small percentage of our team. In 2020, our studio ended with less than 10% of the employee population identifying as female. This year, we saw women representation studio-wide increase to 16%, which is an approximate 55% increase. Recruitment in 2021 was also more gender-diverse, with 26% of hires identifying as women, compared to 17% in both 2019 and 2020.
Globally, the gaming industry continues to be male led, with 61% of game developers identifying as male according to data from the International Game Developers Association. National demographics of game developers is more difficult to locate, but data collected by Zippia reports U.S. game developers identifying as 78% male and 14% female.

The majority of our team identifies as White, with Asian and SE Asian employees as the next largest group. Pipeworks in headquartered in Eugene, OR, where 83% of the population is white. Recently expanding our recruitment to areas further outside of Oregon and offering more remote opportunities has helped to increase our representation of minority ethnicities in the industry. In 2020, respondents who chose the categories American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander were less than 2% combined. This year, we have seen enough increase in those categories to represent them as their own.
The majority of our team identifies as White, with Asian and SE Asian employees as the next largest group. Pipeworks in headquartered in Eugene, OR, where 83% of the population is white. Recently expanding our recruitment to areas further outside of Oregon and offering more remote opportunities has helped to increase our representation of minority ethnicities in the industry. In 2020, respondents who chose the categories American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander were less than 2% combined. This year, we have seen enough increase in those categories to represent them as their own.

2021 was our first year asking about the age of our employees. We found that our studio skews younger than most other industries, with 34% of employees falling between 25 and 34 years old. This data has led us to implement policy changes, including increasing our Paid Parental Leave from 2 weeks to a full month, as the average age for first time mothers and fathers falls within this category.
2021 was our first year asking about the age of our employees. We found that our studio skews younger than most other industries, with 34% of employees falling between 25 and 34 years old. This data has led us to implement policy changes, including increasing our Paid Parental Leave from 2 weeks to a full month, as the average age for first time mothers and fathers falls within this category.

Those who answered largely identify as heterosexual. Last year, non-heterosexual sexualities represented such a low percent of the population that we combined them to protect anonymity. This year, we were able to separate out categories for Asexual, Bisexual, Queer, and Questioning. We have combined responses for Gay and Pansexual, as they each received less than 1.7% of responses.
Those who answered largely identify as heterosexual. Last year, non-heterosexual sexualities represented such a low percent of the population that we combined them to protect anonymity. This year, we were able to separate out categories for Asexual, Bisexual, Queer, and Questioning. We have combined responses for Gay and Pansexual, as they each received less than 1.7% of responses.

Non-religious employees, including those who identify as both Agnostic and Atheist, make up over 60% of our respondents. Catholic, Mormon, and Christian denominations make up the next largest category at 12.6%. We have seen an increase in respondents for answers of Buddhist, Jewish, Multiple Religious Belongings, and additional belongings that were not included as answer choices.
Non-religious employees, including those who identify as both Agnostic and Atheist, make up over 60% of our respondents. Catholic, Mormon, and Christian denominations make up the next largest category at 12.6%. We have seen an increase in respondents for answers of Buddhist, Jewish, Multiple Religious Belongings, and additional belongings that were not included as answer choices.

A majority of respondents indicated they have no disability or difficulty. Due to increased participation, we were able to separate out more categories this year than in 2020.
A majority of respondents indicated they have no disability or difficulty. Due to increased participation, we were able to separate out more categories this year than in 2020.

A little over a quarter of Pipeworks employees are primary caretakers of children, family, or partners.
A little over a quarter of Pipeworks employees are primary caretakers of children, family, or partners.

Lastly, we have a small veteran population on our team.
Lastly, we have a small veteran population on our team.
2022 2021 2020

Contact FormEugene, OR